Roy Barzilai is an independent scholar, who studied both Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism and Rivka Schechter’s philosophy of language, rooted in the Hebrew Bible. The synthesis of Rand’s Aristotelian philosophy, and the biblical creed of ethical monotheism provides profound insights into the ideas that shaped the Western mind. By exploring the intellectual history of Western civilization, Roy seeks to reach a greater understanding of the human mind. As a financial analyst for more than a decade, Roy became aware of the herd mentality in financial markets. He studied the Wave Principle of Human Social Behavior and the new science of Socionomics, focusing on how change in social mood affects society, its ideas, philosophy, culture, and economy. This dynamism is the engine of history. Roy holds undergraduate degrees from Tel Aviv University in Law, accounting, and computer science. The list of my published scientific articles in Google Scholar My new scientific article published in the Journal of NeuroPhilosophy: Is Low Solar Energy Causing Reduction in Serotonin and Leading to the Obesity and Mental Health Crisis? (2024) The NeuroPhilosophy of Physics: A Grand Unification of How Brain and Mind Shape Our Perception of the Universe (2023) How Testosterone and Serotonin Drive the Shift in Global Power Dynamics, and Geopolitics of Social Conflict in the Clash of Civilizations (2023) Articles published in academic SCIENCE & PHILOSOPHY journal: THE TESTOSTERONE PARADOX: HOW SEX HORMONES SHAPE THE ACADEMIC MIND Press link for PDF SOLAR CYCLES, LIGHT, SEX HORMONES AND THE LIFE CYCLES OF CIVILIZATION: TOWARD INTEGRATED CHRONOBIOLOGY Press link for PDF LOW SOLAR ACTIVITY, WINTER FLU CONDITIONS, PANDEMICS AND SEX WARS: A HOLISTIC VIEW OF HUMAN EVOLUTION Press link for PDF ARE LOW TESTOSTERONE AND SEX DIFFERENCES IN IMMUNE RESPONSES CAUSING MASS HYSTERIA DURING THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC? Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)