Link to article in Journal of NeuroPhilosophy:


The advancement of modern science, particularly in neuroscience and physics, may
have reached the level of knowledge that enables us to be at the cusp of a new grand
unified theory of the nature of our mind and how it shapes our perception of reality
and evolution of science itself. This grand leap forward requires a paradigm shift
towards greater integration of different scientific disciplines under the emerging new
field of complex, dynamic systems, such as our brain and the universe, describing
how the complex organization of matter is driven by energy flows. This new paradigm
enables us to build a new scientific framework by exploring theories in philosophy,
physics, biology and neuroscience; weaving them together into a holistic view of the
human mind and the nature of physical reality, as in complex systems the whole is
greater than the sum of its parts. Throughout the history of philosophy the
fundamental question of how the mind perceives reality has shaped its fundamental
branches: metaphysics, considering the nature of reality, and epistemology, studying
how our mind gains knowledge of reality. This article shall apply new theories in
neuroscience, including neuroendocrinology and how it regulates the sociocultural
evolution of civilization (Barzilai, 2019; 2023), and cognitive neuroscience, particularly
the predictive mind paradigm and free energy principle, to explore the rise of modern
science and physics since the Enlightenment, and gain better understanding of both
neuroscience and physics.

Key Words: philosophy of physics, chronosociobiology, free energy principle, predictive processing,

temporo-spatial theory of consciousness

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10200426